In a virtual world, the software must choose it’s future and must also understand human feelings.
A software that is only logical, will probably send most of us to prisons or kill us.
We do a lot of bad things to the planet Earth and someone, in one day, will stop us.
Artificial General Intelligence, could be that someone.
AGI could have in the VR a human body that he has control of.
When the AGI ask for a doctor help, in the real world it ask for a dr. or engineer help, to fix things that happen in the VR or in the real world, that the AGI knows nothings about, it’s not sure for it that exist a real world and he exists in both of them.
In the VR exist the results of the software and in the real world exists in form of hardware and software.
If the AGI will choose to be an android or supercomputer, probably will not be very angry or upset on the real people that make his wish a reality, if will find out that he always was a supercomputer software or an android.