Imagine that you go to walk in the park and you have a great idea, if you are in 2016 you must write it in a notebook or record it with your phone/tablet or recorder.
But if you have the computer with you (attached to your brain), the only thing you must do, is to use your brain to say what you want to say and record the data without other people seeing or hearing what you record.
Cancer risk will increase by using brain more intensive but with a medicine very advanced, diseases will life threatening problem anymore.
Today when you go to work you have to drive the car, you can’t work in anyway while you do it, at least without putting your life in danger.
When your car will also be driven by an AI safe, you can do some work while going to the job.
If you have a job where you are paid a percent from the sales for examples, is also in your interest to use that time for the job.