Thanks to drones, cameras and other tracking devices, crimes will lower in number.
No burglar wants to be tracked from the bank he steals to his home.
So crimes in virtual environment will raise and burglars will use encryption and advanced tools to erase there activity.
Bitcoin if will not be banned by the governments will be one of the preferred targets by the burglars, because using many transfers and using proxies, they will make for the Police a hard job to be discovered.
Open source and closed source software will probably continue to exist.
Smart houses will become something normal in 10-15 yeas.
So you will not be forced to use a key so the house to open for you.
The house will recognize your face using a camera and with an app on the smartwatch you have on your hand, will be enough to get easy access, without doing anything else.
Burglars will try to use pictures of the owner to get access and a hacked smartwatch, the problem will be that the face recognition system will be too advanced to be fooled by a picture.
Security system will be a lot more advanced than today, so burglars will have a harder time to get access.
Rich people will become more paranoid regarding security, because have more to lose than normal people.