Presently we rely on teacher, books, Internet, audio and video content to learn, but in the future thanks to the Internet and VR, we will be capable of talking with real teacher that are even on other continent and learn from them and before getting knowledge like in Matrix (learn something directly from a DVD transfer) or similar, we will learn from a VR teacher that knows very good math and other subjects and will explain things to us without getting angry because we don’t understand fast or we understand thing wrong.
That VR teacher will have the patience to explain a thing in many ways until we understand it.
Today for an old man is not easy to learn by it’s own, especially when does not have someone to ask for help when does not understand something.
At the beginning probably virtual teacher will be hosted services on datacenters but in time PC’s will be fast enough so anyone can host such a program locally.
Big companies will prefer hosted services and not locally hosted so they can avoid crackers that can make the programs freely available without paying for the use.
Hackers in the end will probably steal the code and make available older version of the software for local use.