Today we see hour some companies start selling VR suits and VR helmets, this is a great thing, because this is just an intermediary phase to what will come.
We want feel like we are in reality when we are in VR.
If today some company will start selling brain to PC interface that gives full immersive VR not many people will buy it and if are not enough sales, that company goes to bankruptcy.
Don’t forget that our brain must be a little prepared for such reality, we don’t want more people to get mental illnesses like schizophrenia, because of this impact.
Some people say about HTC Vive that is awesome… i say it will become even more awesome, with every new improved release and with a proper suit the experience become even more awesome.
We will feel normal using suit and helmet and after that, when we see how medicine will advance in the next 10-15 years we will feel even more ready to try a PC to brain direct interface for full immersive VR.
I don’t know if Tesla Studios VR suit will work well with HTC Vive, it was just an example that technology is here.
I tested none of them.
If you want to use current VR technology at full potential you must wait a little to have also games that uses it.